Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A parting Note from a Friend....

My dear friends,

            “How time flies by!” We had only heard about it so far... but, a few months back when we left each other after almost 6 years of love and togetherness we actually came to realize the true meaning of the phrase...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are we still EVOLVING??

I think YES! We are still evolving!!

But then it's NOT in the purest Darwinian form- The Survival of the Fittest!
WE are indeed transferring our genes of better qualities and efficiency to the future generations but, as opposed to what would have been the Natural Selection in true sense, not losing the genes for weaknesses or traits usually are detrimental for our survival!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Living up to the Expectations....

Living Up to the Expectation… The story of My life...

Before I went to boarding school in Nainital in class sixth… ours was a joint family and for providing best possible education, my parents and I used to live in a small town called Forbesganj in Bihar... and so did my 8 cousins! The city was named after the Britisher Alexander John Forbes, a Military adventurer who later on established many indigo-farms in the nearby areas! 

यादों में...

यादों में... (Written BY my MOTHER in loving memory of my FATHER) "कभी सोचा न था, दिन ऐसे भी आएँगे.. जो समझती थी खुद को रानी, वो यूँ ...