Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Love Letter....

Words don't come easily
when it comes to express my feelings for you.
In fact words will always prove to be insufficient to let you know what I actually feel about you...

I will just say-
" I Love You !"

I know these are just the same three words!

But, My Love, if you feel the depth of emotions, concern and care behind it, you will come to know that these are not just those three words!

Darling, you are the one who makes my life worth living.
And you are the one for whom I thank 'Him' every night. I don't know how The Almighty has graced me with the love of most beautiful, most caring and most understanding woman I know!

And today I would like you to know that you are the only one whom I know so closely & whom I love so passionately. And today I Promise you I'll keep doing so for ever and ever...!

Sweetheart ! You and Your Love are my basic necessities. Please don't deprive me of them ever...

With whole of my Heart & Love...

Dr. Virat Kuntalam
Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla

Wanna say something to me anonymously CLICK HERE


akanksha said...


Dr. Virat K. said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Mind-blowing. Simple yet so expressive.
K. I. U.


Dr. Virat K. said...

Thanx Malvika!

My gen. knowledge is bit poor... But K. I. U. means???
:-? :-/

Dr. Virat K. said...

I think j got it yaar!!
Such a fool I am... :-(
It's Keep it Up!! Simple!!

dirty 7 diaries said...

nice buddy...a great poet ur...

यादों में...

यादों में... (Written BY my MOTHER in loving memory of my FATHER) "कभी सोचा न था, दिन ऐसे भी आएँगे.. जो समझती थी खुद को रानी, वो यूँ ...