My dear friends,
“How time flies by!” We had only heard about it so far... but, a few months back when we left each other after almost 6 years of love and togetherness we actually came to realize the true meaning of the phrase...
Doctor by profession! Striving to become a credible diagnostician and more importantly a better human being... Firm believer in "Don't get pushed by your failures..BE LED BY YOUR DREAMS...!!" and have a very bad habit of trusting people easily...Though a novice at penning down my thoughts...but that doesn't hold me from trying...! :-) -Virat
यादों में... (Written BY my MOTHER in loving memory of my FATHER) "कभी सोचा न था, दिन ऐसे भी आएँगे.. जो समझती थी खुद को रानी, वो यूँ ...